Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Disney World 05

Epcot was amazing, all those countries and Disney characters were there to shake hand w/ kids. Of course my favorite was Mexico. There was miriachis and food. Doug's favorite was Italy because of the food. The kids like the entertainment in Japan

Universal Studios was so fun. Spider men, sponge Bob, Cat in the hat , Barney, Shrake and more.

I have to accept that was so overwhelming to visit all those parks. Epcot top favorite and Universal studios. I personally like animal kingdow a lot..

Friday, March 18, 2005

Harrison 4/ Hailey

Hailey is almost 1 year, she is so sweet and mellow, she is a totally mommy's girl.

Harrison my sweet 4 year old. He had a fun party with cake, pizza, games and presents. He got a star wards life saver, he loved it. Also Harrison starting to write. He and Hayden, who is 2nd grader had the thing of taking out their tonges while writing, so funny!
