Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hayden said goodbye to Elementary

Hayden graduated from Elementary school today. He will be starting Middle school.
I am nervous for him. Peer pressure and load of homework won't be easy. He is so sweet and mellow and soon he'll be irritable. I am not sure I am ready.
He had the same teacher for three years in a row. She was perfect for him.

He gave a speech in the graduation. He wrote it, memorized and practice since he gets really nervous in front of people. He did amazing.


Stef said...

Can you believe how fast they grow up. Ahhh!

Horacio said...

Hola Doris: Que bien que puedo enterarme de tu vida de esta manera tan practica. YA vamos de salida a California, pero queria mandarte un saludo antes. Ojala que mantengas y sigas dando atencion a tu blogg. Asta pronto.
Un abrazo. Saludos de Ana
