Hunter was selected with other 11 kids 11,12,13 years old to law camp at UNM. I was nervous because, he stayed at the dorms of UNM from Sunday night to Friday afternoon. His roomate was from Ruidoso, we meet him when we dropped him at the dorms. I felt much better after seeing him and the chaperons. He was able to call us every night to tell us how busy they were. They visited courts in session sometimes with people in their orange suit. They were helped by law students from UNM with their mock trial. They had classes and assignments as well. Hunter's favorite part was that he was chosen to be one of the three defender attorneys. We were able to attend to the mock trial took place Friday afternoon in a court room with a real judge. He presented is opening statement that he wrote and edited by a law student. He also cross examined one of the witnesses. At the end of the trail, witch was actually funny, one of the new lawyers from UNM that help with the camp made personal comment to each student. He mentioned that Hunter had been effective in his opening statement in the side of his client by killing the accuser's creditability, he also said that Hunter looked comfortable by keeping eye contact with the jury and the judge and specially that he liked Hunter's passion for the case.

I was so glad to get him home. I know that this type experiences help him to grow, however I want still want him home with me.

Here is getting his diploma of graduation of the camp.

Hunter really enjoyed to work with Ryan (11) the other defender attorney from the East side. The new lawyers from UNM really taught the kids a lot about law.

A director of the program said that these kids were not only the future but also the present leaders. He challenge them to be a good peers by helping the school and communities where they live. I believe that is was a wise statement.
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