Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Leaving the hospital for good

I have been super busy getting back to normal life but I must record this event.
Saturday afternoon Doug got his PICC line out. That really told us that it was for real that he was leaving the next day. Saturday was the last long difficult day. Doug had an extreme pain in the stomach from even drinking water. He would bend ans cried of pain. He pleaded God out loud to take away the pain several times during the day. He did no ask for pain meds because he was afrain, he would have to stay longer. Finally that night he got morphin and was able to sleep some on the night. I was doubtful of he coming home. Doctors could no explain why the pain but told us that he would be getting better. Today we think that were ulcers on his stomach as a side effect fron chemo that appers days after, some people get them on the mouth, he did never got them in the mouth.
Here, he is with the main doctors of the treatment, they came every morning and one of them came back most afternoon to see him again. Doug would tell me for years that he knew that someone would be working in the cure for Chron's. I can't believe that we found that someone, Dr Brut. I gave him a hug and thanked him for working on something that would be bless my husband and family so much. It is kind of early to claim that Doug is cure of Chron's but the probability is big enough for us to be excited.
As a promised, here is Doug getting on the taxi in front of the entrace of the hospital.
He was exausted after the walk in the airport towards our gate, but he did it.
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